To remove full text journals for a given consortia collection, first click on the Administration button Click on the Ejournals tab Locate your package and click on the remove link ...
A list serve provides a means for community exchange of messages, ideas and notices both online and through email. The Prosentient Systems list serve allows users to send and receive list serve messages by posting messages in the Inter-Search Forums at or through email by emailing the desired list. ...
has a facility for automatically generating your ranking. Rankings can be caluclated on the basis of load (inbound as a ratio of outbound) or holdings.Rankings updates can be performed on a state-by-state basis. The state administrative login is needed to perform a rankings update. 1 Make sure you log in to the State administrative login for your State. ...
GRATISNET has an extensive collection of Open Access journal lists. The register of open access journals is held against the library NUC of EFREE - or electronic free access journals.When you search for journals, open access resources are always ranked first in the list of libraries. Open access journals sometimes have embargo restraints, and where known these are shown against the holdings of the EFREE libraries.You can suggest new EFREE journals by emailing ...
The list serve has a web user interface that can be accessed directly by browsing to or by clicking on the Listserve button in the left-hand menu. 1 Browse to the URL ...
Term Definition BBCode BBCode is a restricted variant of HTML that allows limited markup in web-based text boxes (eg bold,italic, incuding images) while preventing code insertion of more dangerous HTML code ...
As a network member, you can update your library profile, including your contact details, journal holdings and current electronic subscriptions. This section gives you details on performing the following tasks: Changing your address Changing your email contacts Setting up temporary closure details Maintaining your library contacts/staff profile For information on managing your list serve profile, see the following section on using the ListServe. ...
1 To return to the List Serve home page, you can click the Prosentient Systems Forum Index hyper link. This link is displayed on all pages within the forum so you can always return to the Home page from any location. ...
The “Busy Libraries” enhancement is useful for libraries that may be understaffed and would still like to remain on Gratis to supply but may want it to be recognised by other libraries that they have limited resources to supply large amounts of requests. To use this feature: * Login to Gratis * Click Edit My Library Details * Click Edit * On the library profile screen, type in the maximum ...
Your library profile including delivery address, email, phone fax can easily be updated from the Gratisnet home page. Go to the GRATISNET intranet home page Look for the Edit My Library Details link and click this link. . Click on the Edit on the library list page. Change your address and other information as required - you may need to scroll down the page to see all the library details you wish to update.The primary contact in most cases is ...
1 Once you have selected the forum that you would like to view, you can view an existing topic by clicking on the topic name. Clicking on the topic name will take you into the topic where you can view the topic contents and also the responses that have been posted. ...
Set up Email Notification for SSL system 1. Library determines the local document delivery policy and the processes, including The number of document-validity in days The number of downloads The email footer Forwarding document links to clients 2. Set up a default message for email notification select “Administration” on the left panel Click “Default values” to open the “Parameter List Form” Click ...
There are three core emails that you can specify in your library profile :Email - your ILL email addressManagers email - if specified, invoices and other administrative notices will go to this addressList serve email - if you are using the Inter-Search list serve, this will be your Primary email on this service. Note that you can add other list serve email contacts - this is the contact that will be applied when clicking on the Listserve button on the left hand menu. See the "ListServe" ...
The forum subscriptions section allows users to subscribe and unsubscribe to mailing lists. 1 Click on the Forum Subscriptions icon towards the top of the page. ...
Upload Documents on SSL Document Delivery System There are three different approaches to upload documents on the new system: · by going to the resources area and performing a document delivery upload; · by responding to the upload link in a request email; and · by going to the outstanding request list and using the upload link ...
The GRATISNET Membership page provides details of the history and charter of the organisation. Use the Contacts button at to determine the current contacts for your state/region if you wish to join the GRATISNET network. ...
If your library is likely to be closed for several days or longer, it is advisable to flag your library as "temporarily closed". This information is displayed on the ILL search page and your library NUC is "greyed out" so that other Gratisnet libraries cannot send you requests. You can specify the following: The closure date. Your closure will automatically be effected on the date supplied The date you reopen - you can leave the opening date blank if you expect an indefinite closure ...
When sending emails through the List Serve the "sending" email address must be registered in the List Serve otherwise the email will be treated as spam and quarantined. This can be avoided by registering your email address with the List Serve. Multiple List Serve emails can be registered for a single library. 1 Log into GRATISNET at and click the Edit My Library Details link. ...
Your library may wish to add additional staff contacts in your library (e.g. reference desk contacts, alternative ILL contact officers.These additional staff contacts appear in the printable member directory. Go to the GRATISNET intranet home page Click on the Edit My Library Details link Click on the My Contacts/Staff tab To add new staff contacts, click on the create a STAFF MEMBER ...
You can send attachments in your emails to the list serve or when posting online. The list serve saves these attachments as a file on the web server and sends a link with the list serve email. The link(s) are added at the end of your email, so they can be missed by people receiving the email.Therefore, when sending attachments it is worth adding the following comment to the beginning your email or posting:ATTACHMENTS TO THIS EMAIL WILL APPEAR AS LINKS AT THE END OF THE EMAIL ...
From the Gratisnet Intranet Home Page the various search and administrative functions of the site are accessed. The Search button provides a fast and effective means of locating titles, raising ILL requests and adding holdings to your collection.The Requests button provides a means of turning bibliographic lists (e.g. search output from online databases or extracts from an ILL request system) into a series of multiple matched ILL requests through Gratisnet. The Books button provides a request ...
You can add individual journals using the Add Journal button on the left hand menu bar. Before adding a new journal, you should check whether this journal already exists using the Search button. This process is described in the section "Updating your holdings through Search".If you have several journals to add or update, you should use the update options described in the section "Updating All Your Holdings".The following information should be supplied for all journals registered ...
Keep in mind that when you post a message to the GRATISNET List Serve, all subscribed List Serve members in all states are reading the message. Therefore it is important not to clog up the List Serve with unnecessary messages. Here are a few etiquette rules to remember: Include a signature tag on all messages. Include your name, NUC symbol, Library name and your e-mail address. Use a specific and concise topic for the subject line. Reply to the entire list serve if everyone will benefit ...
Passwords are required to be changed every 1 months. When libraries are required to change their password, the following message will appear when logging in, “Periodically you are required to reset your GratisNet password. You cannot reuse your last password. You can send a reset link to your library email”. 1. Click on the reset link to reset your library GratisNet Password.An email will be sent to your registered GratisNet account email address, with the ...
This has been designed to make the list easiest to read. Please use the exact punctuation used here. The symbol * means leave one character space blank.1. When the holdings start with the first issue of a volume, do not put in the issue numberV. * 1(1993) * -2. When holdings start after the first issue, put in the issue numberV. * 1 * No. * 3(1993) * -3. When the journal has NO volumes, but issue numbers onlyNo. * 4(1993) * -4. When the enumeration is by month ...
The duplicates module is designed to simplify the fulfilment process for libraries declaring and supplying duplicates. The following procedures are divided into instructions for the Supplying Library and instructions for libraries requesting from available duplicates.SUPPLYING LIBRARY PROCEDURESThe process of declaring duplicates is divided into simple phases:Declaring your duplicates - you load your list of duplicate journals or books/reports and an email goes out to those ...
The system provides two main methods for raising ILL requests: The Search button - to find libraries with holdings one journal at a time, by ISSN, title, Abbreviation and other search methods Multiple search processing using the Requests button by pasting in the search output from bibliographic databases and from other ILL request systems When matching requests to libraries with holdings, search results are reported in a ranked manner. Periodic (usually annual) ...
Holdings can be updated: individually using the Search button updated all at once using the "holdings update" in Administration section by adding electronic subscriptions The guidelines below show how to update all your holdings through a simple import function. See the "Electronic collections" instructions for further information on subscribing to a consortia collections. Click on the Administration button. Click on Update Holdings ...
You need to prepare a text file with your duplicates. The format for journals is very simple. For journals leave a blank line between each book/journal. The Journal format is: TitleYear: Volume (Issue,Issue,Issue-Issue) e.g.The Journal of Unorthodox Medicine2005: 2 (1,2)2006: 2 (1-12,14), 25 (1-4) For books/reports use the format:Title tab Year tab ISBN tab 1. When your duplicates list is ready, log into ...
The GRATISNET Search screen is the main portal to the extensive collection of journals and journal holdings.The default search is truncated title searching. In other words, just typing in part of a title into the box and pressing ENTER will start a search for the title.For other types of searches (e.g. NUC symbol, ISSN, keyword, etc), type the information into the box FIRST and then click on the button for the required type of search. Do not click on a search button without first entering a ...
You can list all your print, electronic holdings and your missing issues using the 'My Holdings' page. You reach this from the home page using the "view/edit my holdings" link (see below).Holdings can also be updated: individually using the Search button updated all at once using the "holdings update" in Administration option by adding electronic subscriptions The guidelines below show how to update your holdings for an individual title using the My Holdings link. See the ...
The supplying library can review the list of duplicates currently published using the My duplicates loaded tab in the DUPLICATES module.You can use this option to: The supplying library can "Republish" the duplicates email for the list (click on the re-announce link) 3. The supplying library can Review and remove any items that should not be on the list - they will be immediately removed from the list of available items 3.2 ...
Once you find the journal you need, you can raise an ILL request. Click on the NUC symbol of the first library on the rota Read the notes field in red on the request page - libraries use this to alert requestors of any special conditions Enter your article request number - helpful for identifying your request. Choose your delivery method in the Delivery Method field. To choose more than one method hold down the Ctrl key whilst selecting with the mouse The ...
The guidelines below show how to update your holdings for an individual title using the Search button. Perform a journal title search (see Searching For Journals). On the search results page, click on the Journal Title (from the ranked display of library holdings) The journal details page will be displayed. If you do not currently have holdings you will see a link Add to NUC link. If you have holdings you will see an Edit NUC link. Click this link to ...
When you receive an email declaring available duplicates you can fulfil the request by either of two ways: Method - follow the instructions on the email to nominate and request the duplicates listed in that email Method - online - follow these simple steps Log into GRATISNET and click on the Duplicates button. A list of available duplicates will be shown.Use the Limit option to limit the list of journals to only those journals or library you wish to ...
The requesting library can cancel requests by clicking maintain request status for outstanding items from the Gratisnet Home Page Click the abandon link against the item you wish to cancel. The supplying library can either forward a request or mark it as unfulfilled. Click on the review these requests link on your home page . A Forward link will appear if the ...
Inter-Search has a built in report writer for libraries, inter-library loans, holdings and other information. Using this report writer, it is possible to generate a flexible range of reports according to your needs. Most commonly, this report writer is used to generate statistics on inter-library loans. The following section has examples on how this can be done.Special reports are available on:* summary statistics by library* Duplicate holdings by ISSN and Title* Duplicated ...
After the list expiry time that you specified when uploading the list, you should receive a reminder email to create your delivery lists and close the duplicates list. The delivery list facility is designed to help save time in allocating and delivering the duplicates.
From the Duplicates menu, click on the Delivery Lists tab. You can then select ...
This page allows you to review the shared resources in your network. You may upload resources to this area. Documents in this area are visible only to members who are logged into the system. While this area is commonly used for delivery of Document Delivery (DD) requests, it can also be used to load minutes and other documents/resources relevant to GRATISNET members. Contact the email if you need additional resource categories to be added to this menu. ...
The statistics report provides you with inbound and outbound request counts for all libraries in the network.State and national network administrative logins can be used to produce inbound and outbound statistics on a state-by-state and national basis. 1 From the home page, click on the Administration button. ...
If you decide that you do not require a selected duplicate (as the requesting library), or if you wish to review what duplicates you have selected, click on the Duplicates menu and select the My Duplicate Requests tab. You will see a list of duplicates that you have requested which have not yet been processed by the supplying library. You can checkbox and REMOVE the items you no longer require - they will then be immediately available for another library to select. ...
If your library has consortia subscriptions to electronic journals: You can now use a single-click registration process to record the entire consortia collection against your holdings. It is also a single-click to unsubscribe. A range of electronic consortia subscriptions are included. For a list of available packages, go to the Administration Menu and click on Electronic Collections. You can also choose to register your electronic subscription details as ...
The detailed report provides you with inbound and outbound request counts for your library in the network. Collect outbound requests statistics. Go to Gratisnet home page Click on edit my library details Click on Outbound requests Click on Report Tick the Time Stamp box – if you want to select a year for date range put the year in the adjacent field Tick To NUCOS Tick Journal Title Choose ...
After you have delivered the requests, you can either just close the list or forward the list on to ALIADUPS. Click on the Close List button in duplicates - you will see a list of each duplicates "bundle" you have declared (a single line for each declared set of duplicates).Checkbox the list(s) you want to close and click the Close These Duplicates Lists button. Either choose whether to close and remove this list or forward the list to the ALIADUPS list serveer for ...
Inter-Search is frequently being expanded with new eJournal packages. The publisher provides an online text list that can be imported into the database. Updates are performed monthly. Only journals that have full text are imported.Provider formats do change periodically, and the Inter-Search system needs to be updated to match provider changes. Please send an email to if you identify any anomalies in journal information in one of the consortia subscriptions. ...
On the Search page you can find a printable directories of GRATISNET members that lend books. 1 Go to the GRATISNET intranet home page. Look for the Search button in the left hand menu - click this button. ...
The administrative functions of GRATISNET allow a range of functions to manage journals and holdings and to communicate to network members. Some functions in this menu are available only under the network administrative logins for each state.Libraries may perform the following functions on this page:Libraries - All libraries currently registered in the network and the Holdings for each member. Library statistics can be viewed from this page. You can search for a particular ...
Other networks using Inter-SearchNetworks using Inter-Search include GLASS (GLINN/LOTTS network), LILLI (Legal Inter-Library Loans Interchange), ALLA Victoria (Legal Libraries), Qshare (QLD government/organisational) and ALIES (Australasian Libraries in Emergency Services) and of course GratisNet (Health/Medical).
Joint network memberships are available - the first joint network membership is 50% of the annual fee. Subsequent network memberships are free. Membership ...
If your license prevents you supplying some titles through Inter-Library Loan, you can indicate some of your holdings to be "private".
These will be visible only to your library and not to others searching on this network. To mark a holidng entry as private do either of the following:
Method 1: editing your holdings entry by searching by journal title:
Click on the SEARCH button
Type in the name of the journal in ...
You can review documentation on the Inter-Search list serve at the Inter-Search FAQ site:
A general users FAQ is available at:
A detailed users guild is available at
A full administrative panel to add users is available to State and National administrations using the ...
In some cases, your library may not be able to fulfill an Inter-Library Loan request. Where that request is recieved via Email. This FAQ guildes you through the process of electronically forwarding your request to the next library with holdings.
When your library receives an Inter-Library Loan request by email, this email request will contain in the COMMENTS area of the request a link which you can click on our paste into a browser to forward ...
You can add additional emails to the list serve using the "my listserve logins" link at the top of the library list page.
Take the following steps:
Log on to GratisNet
Click on the Search button
Type in your NUCOS and click the DIRECTORY button
Your library should appear in the list.
Click on the "My Listserve Logins" link at the top of the page.
You can add new titles to the system either one-at-a-time, by subscribing to an e-journal collection or by bulk update of your journals.
1. Search for the journal title and ISSN to make sure it is not already on the Gratisnet database.
2. Click on ‘Administration’ from the left side buttons and then on the next page, select ...
Would you like enhanced online searching of your catalogue? Consider moving to our Koha hosted Library Management System solution. Koha provides Library-2.0 features along with the capability to integrate content from different sources.
For more informaiton email We provide a fully managed service on a low monthly fee for access (as low as $150/month depending on the number of your online ...
can you do the following to produce a nice formatted holdings report:
Log on to GratisNet
Click on the Search button
Type in your NUCOS and click the DIRECTORY button
Your library should appear in the list.
Click on the Holdings link.
Click on the REPORT button (on the top right-hand side with LIMIT and ALLRECORDS)
Make sure you checkbox Journal Title and ISSN - you can remove ...
You can update your profile of journal holdings at any time you like. It is quite easy to import holdings from a spreadsheet or from other sources.
The easiest way is to create a text file or spreadsheet with the at least following three columns with a TAB character between each column:
Journal Title
The study of science 9553-2223 (8) 200 - (9) 2009
If ...
The request button on the Inter-Search menu gives you access to a facility to process multiple citations pasted from a database search. The specific citation format needs to be configured in Inter-Search first - if yours is not listed, you will need to email a sample citation search to
More information on this facility is available at ...
You can manage all your library details by updating your Inter-Search profile. You can also mark your library as temporarily closed during holidays and other occasions.
In order to update your profile, take the following steps.
Log on to your Inter-Search system
Click the HOME button
Scroll down and look for the "Edit my library details" link. Click this link
Your library should ...
Interloans networks are independently managed by the libraries in the network. They have co-ordinators and committees responsible for membership. Please review the contacts pages in each network for membership details.
Click on the Networks menu to see all of the Interloans networks and the Sites menu to see the participating libraries.
You can manage all your library details by updating your Interloans profile. You can also mark your library as temporarily closed during holidays and other occasions.
In order to update your profile, take the following steps.
Log on to your Interloans system
Click the HOME button
Scroll down and look for the "Edit my library details" link. Click this link
1. Search for the journal title and ISSN to make sure it is not already on the Gratisnet database.
2. Click on ‘Administration’ from the left side buttons and then on the next page, select ‘Journals’. In the top right hand corner, click on the ‘Recommend a New Title’ underlined link. Fill out the form with as much information as you have - especially ISSN if possible.
In some cases, your library may not be able to fulfil an Inter-library Loan request. Where that request is received via email. This FAQ guides you through the process of electronically forwarding your request to the next library with holdings.
When your library receives an Inter-library loan request by email, this email request will contain a link in the COMMENTS area which you can click on or paste into a browser to forward to ...