Upload Documents on SSL Document Delivery System
There are three different approaches to upload documents on the new system:
· by going to the resources area and performing a document delivery upload;
· by responding to the upload link in a request email; and
· by going to the outstanding request list and using the upload link there.
1. Upload via Resources Area
Select 'Resources' to enter the Document Upload page
- Click 'Choose File' to upload the prepared file
- According to your local policy, you select the number of days this file will be valid from the dropdown list
- Then decide how many downloads are allowed to your client
- Choose a library from the dropdown list
- Then type "Title' and 'Citation' in the text boxes
- And 'Submit'
A notification email will come up on the screen
The requesting library will receive the notification with the download link
2. Responding to the upload link in a request email
- Click the upload link and login to GratisNet
- Browse the document file and upload
- Choose the number of days and how many downloads
- Then 'Submit'.
3. Upload via Outstanding Requests List
- Go to the GratisNet Home page
- Select “Review these requests”
- Click “Complete (with upload)”