To publish content stored in DSpace as Linked (Open) Data, the data have to be converted into RDF. The conversion into RDF has to be configurable as different DSpace instances may use different metadata schemata, different persistent identifiers (DOI, Handle, ...) and so on. Depending on the content to convert, configuration and other parameters, conversion may be time-intensive and impact performance. Content of repositories is much more often read then created, deleted or changed because the main goal of repositories is to safely store their contents. For this reason, the content stored within DSpace is converted and stored in a triple store immediately after it is created or updated. The triple store serves as a cache and provides a SPARQL endpoint to make the converted data accessible using SPARQL. The conversion is triggered automatically by the DSpace event system and can be started manually using the command line interface – both cases are documented below. There is no need to backup the triple store, as all data stored in the triple store can be recreated from the contents stored elsewhere in DSpace (in the assetstore(s) and the database). Beside the SPARQL endpoint, the data should be published as RDF serialization as well. With dspace-rdf DSpace offers a module that loads converted data from the triple store and provides it as an RDF serialization. It currently supports RDF/XML, Turtle and N-Triples.
Repositories use Persistent Identifiers to make content citable and to address content. Following the Linked Data Principles, DSpace uses a Persistent Identifier in the form of HTTP(S) URIs, converting a Handle to<handle> and a DOI to<doi>. Altogether, DSpace Linked Data support spans all three Layers: the storage layer with a triple store, the business logic with classes to convert stored contents into RDF, and the application layer with a module to publish RDF serializations. Just like DSpace allows you to choose Oracle or Postgresql as the relational database, you may choose between different triple stores. The only requirements are that the triple store must support SPARQL 1.1 Query Language and SPARQL 1.1 Graph Store HTTP Protocol which DSpace uses to store, update, delete and load converted data in/out of the triple store and uses the triple store to provide the data over a SPARQL endpoint.
Store public data only in the triple store!
The triple store should contain only data that are public, because the DSpace access restrictions won't affect the SPARQL endpoint. For this reason, DSpace converts only archived, discoverable (non-private) Items, Collections and Communities which are readable for anonymous users. Please consider this while configuring and/or extending DSpace Linked Data support.
The org.dspace.rdf.conversion package contains the classes used to convert the repository content to RDF. The conversion itself is done by plugins. The org.dspace.rdf.conversion.ConverterPlugin interface is really simple, so take a look at it you if can program in Java and want to extend the conversion. The only thing important is that plugins must only create RDF that can be made publicly available, as the triple store provides it using a sparql endpoint for which the DSpace access restrictions do not apply. Plugins converting metadata should check whether a specific metadata field needs to be protected or not (see on how to check that). The MetadataConverterPlugin is heavily configurable (see below) and is used to convert the metadata of Items. The StaticDSOConverterPlugin can be used to add static RDF Triples (see below). The SimpleDSORelationsConverterPlugin creates links between items and collections, collections and communities, subcommunitites and their parents, and between top-level communities and the information representing the repository itself.
As different repositories uses different persistent identifiers to address their content, different algorithms to create URIs used within the converted data can be implemented. Currently HTTP(S) URIs of the repository (called local URIs), Handles and DOIs can be used. See the configuration part of this document for further information. If you want to add another algorithm, take a look at the interface.
Install a Triple Store
In addition to a normal DSpace installation you have to install a triple store. You can use any triple store that supports SPARQL 1.1 Query Language and SPARQL 1.1 Graph Store HTTP Protocol. If you do not have one yet, you can use Apache Fuseki. Download Fuseki from its official download page and unpack the downloaded archive. The archive contains several scripts to start Fuseki. Use the start script appropriate to the OS of your choice with the options '--localhost --config=<dspace-install>/config/modules/rdf/fuseki-assembler.ttl'. Instead of changing to the directory into which you unpacked Fuseki, you may set the variable FUSEKI_HOME. If you're using Linux and bash, you unpacked Fuseki to /usr/local/jena-fuseki-1.0.1 and you installed DSpace to [dspace-install], this would look like this:
export FUSEKI_HOME=/usr/local/jena-fuseki- 1.0 . 1 ; $FUSKI_HOME/fuseki-server --localhost --config [dspace-install]/config/modules/rdf/fuseki-assembler.ttl |
Fuseki's archive contains a script to start Fuseki automatically at startup as well.
Make Fuseki connect to localhost only, by using the argument --localhost when launching if you use the configuration provided with DSpace! The configuration contains a writeable SPARQL endpoint that allows any connection to change/delete the content of your triple store.
Use Apache mod proxy, mod rewrite or any other appropriate web server/proxy to make localhost:3030/dspace/sparql readable from the internet. Use the address under which it is accessible as the address of your public sparql endpoint (see the property public.sparql.endpoint in the configuration reference below.).
The configuration provided within DSpace makes it store the files for the triple store under [dspace-install]/triplestore. Using this configuration, Fuseki provides three SPARQL endpoints: two read-only endpoints and one that can be used to change the data of the triple store. You should not use this configuration if you let Fuseki connect to the internet directly as it would make it possible for anyone to delete, change or add information to the triple store. The option --localhost tells Fuseki to listen only on the loopback device. You can use Apache mod_proxy or any other web or proxy server to make the read-only SPARQL endpoint accessible from the internet. With the configuration described, Fueski listens to the port 3030 using HTTP. Using the address http://localhost:3030/ you can connect to the Fuseki Web UI. http://localhost:3030/dspace/data addresses a writeable SPARQL 1.1 HTTP Graph Store Protocol endpoint, and http://localhost:3030/dspace/get a read-only one. Under http://localhost:3030/dspace/sparql a read-only SPARQL 1.1 Query Language endpoint can be found. The first one of these endpoints must be not accessible by the internet, while the last one should be accessible publicly.
Default configuration and what you should change
First, you'll want to ensure the Linked Data endpoint is enabled/configured. In your local.cfg
, add rdf.enabled = true
. You can optionally change it's path by setting rdf.path
(it defaults to "rdf" which means the Linked Data endpoint is available at [dspace.server.url]/rdf/
(where dspace.server.url
is also specified in your local.cfg
In the file [dspace]/config/dspace.cfg
you should look for the property event.dispatcher.default.consumers
and add rdf
there. Adding rdf there makes DSpace update the triple store automatically as the publicly available content of the repository changes.
As the Linked Data support of DSpace is highly configurable this section gives a short list of things you probably want to configure before using it. Below you can find more information on what is possible to configure.
In the file [dspace]/config/modules/rdf.cfg
you want to configure the address of the public sparql endpoint and the address of the writable endpoint DSpace use to connect to the triple store (the properties rdf.public.sparql.endpoint
). In the same file you want to configure the URL that addresses the dspace-rdf module which is depending on where you deployed it (property rdf.contextPath
) and switch content negotiation on (set property rdf.contentNegotiation.enable = true
In the file [dspace]/config/modules/rdf/constant-data-general.ttl
you should change the links to the Web UI of the repository and the public readable SPARQL endpoint. The URL of the public SPARQL endpoint should point to a URL that is proxied by a webserver to the Triple Store. See the section Install a Triple Store above for further information.
In the file [dspace]/config/modules/rdf/constant-data-site.ttl
you may add any triples that should be added to the description of the repository itself.
If you want to change the way the metadata fields are converted, take a look into the file [dspace]/config/modules/rdf/metadata-rdf-mapping.ttl
. This is also the place to add information on how to map metadata fields that you added to DSpace. There is already a quite acceptable default configuration for the metadata fields which DSpace supports out of the box. If you want to use some specific prefixes in RDF serializations that support prefixes, you have to edit [dspace]onfig/modules/rdf/metadata-prefixes.ttl
Configuration Reference
There are several configuration files to configure DSpace's LOD support. The main configuration file can be found under [dspace-source]/dspace/config/modules/rdf.cfg
. Within DSpace we use Spring to define which classes to load. For DSpace's LOD support this is done within [dspace-source]/dspace/config/spring/api/rdf.xml
. All other configuration files are positioned in the directory [dspace-source]/dspace/config/modules/rdf
/. Configurations in rdf.cfg
can be modified directly, or overridden via your local.cfg
config file. You'll have to configure where to find and how to connect to the triple store. You may configure how to generate URIs to be used within the generated Linked Data and how to convert the contents stored in DSpace into RDF. We will guide you through the configuration file by file.
The following properties configure the StaticDSOConverterPlugin. | |
The following properties configure the MetadataConverterPlugin. | |
The following properties configure the SimpleDSORelationsConverterPlugin | |
Property: | rdf.enabled |
Example Value: | rdf.enabled = true |
Informational Note: | Defines whether the RDF endpoint is enabled or disabled (disabled by default). If enabled, the RDF endpoint is available at ${dspace.server.url}/${rdf.path}. Changing this value requires rebooting your servlet container (e.g. Tomcat) |
Property: | rdf.path |
Example Value: | rdf.path = rdf |
Informational Note: | Defines the path of the RDF endpoint, if enabled. For example, a value of "rdf" (the default) means the RDF interface/endpoint is available at ${dspace.server.url}/rdf (e.g. if "dspace.server.url = http://localhost:8080/server", then it'd be available at "http://localhost:8080/server/rdf". Changing this value requires rebooting your servlet container (e.g. Tomcat) |
Property: | rdf.contentNegotiation.enable |
Example Value: | rdf.contentNegotiation.enable = true |
Informational Note: | Defines whether content negotiation should be activated. Set this true, if you use Linked Data support. |
Property: | rdf.contextPath |
Example Value: | rdf.contextPath = ${dspace.baseUrl}/rdf |
Informational Note: | The content negotiation needs to know where to refer if anyone asks for RDF serializations of content stored within DSpace. This property sets the URL where the dspace-rdf module can be reached on the Internet (depending on how you deployed it). |
Property: | rdf.public.sparql.endpoint |
Example Value: | rdf.public.sparql.endpoint = http://${dspace.baseUrl}/sparql |
Informational Note: | Address of the read-only public SPARQL endpoint supporting SPARQL 1.1 Query Language. |
Property: | |
Example Value: | = http://localhost:3030/dspace/data |
Informational Note: | Address of a writable SPARQL 1.1 Graph Store HTTP Protocol endpoint. This address is used to create, update and delete converted data in the triple store. If you use Fuseki with the configuration provided as part of DSpace 5, you can leave this as it is. If you use another Triple Store or configure Fuseki on your own, change this property to point to a writeable SPARQL endpoint supporting the SPARQL 1.1 Graph Store HTTP Protocol. |
Property: | |
Example Value: | = no |
Informational Note: | Defines whether to use HTTP Basic authentication to connect to the writable SPARQL 1.1 Graph Store HTTP Protocol endpoint. |
Properties: | |
Example Values: | = dspace =ecapsd |
Informational Note: | Credentials for the HTTP Basic authentication if it is necessary to connect to the writable SPARQL 1.1 Graph Store HTTP Protocol endpoint. |
Property: | |
Example Value: | = http://localhost:3030/dspace/sparql |
Informational Note: | Besides a writable SPARQL 1.1 Graph Store HTTP Protocol endpoint, DSpace needs a SPARQL 1.1 Query Language endpoint, which can be read-only. This property allows you to set an address to be used to connect to such a SPARQL endpoint. If you leave this property empty the property ${rdf.public.sparql.endpoint} will be used instead. |
Properties: | |
Example Values: | = yes = dspace = ecapsd |
Informational Note: | As for the SPARQL 1.1 Graph Store HTTP Protocol you can configure DSpace to use HTTP Basic authentication to authenticate against the (read-only) SPARQL 1.1 Query Language endpoint. |
Property: | rdf.converter.DSOtypes |
Example Value: | rdf.converter.DSOtypes = SITE, COMMUNITY, COLLECTION, ITEM |
Informational Note: | Define which kind of DSpaceObjects should be converted. Bundles and Bitstreams will be converted as part of the Item they belong to. Don't add EPersons here unless you really know what you are doing. All converted data is stored in the triple store that provides a publicly readable SPARQL endpoint. So all data converted into RDF is exposed publicly. Every DSO type you add here must have an HTTP URI to be referenced in the generated RDF, which is another reason not to add EPersons here currently. |
Properties: | |
Example Values: | = ${dspace.dir}/config/modules/rdf/constant-data-general.ttl = ${dspace.dir}/config/modules/rdf/constant-data-collection.ttl = ${dspace.dir}/config/modules/rdf/constant-data-community.ttl = ${dspace.dir}/config/modules/rdf/constant-data-item.ttl = ${dspace.dir}/config/modules/rdf/constant-data-site.ttl |
Informational Note: | These properties define files to read static data from. These data should be in RDF, and by default Turtle is used as serialization. The data in the file referenced by the property ${} will be included in every Entity that is converted to RDF. E.g. it can be used to point to the address of the public readable SPARQL endpoint or may contain the name of the institution running DSpace. The other properties define files that will be included if a DSpace Object of the specified type (collection, community, item or site) is converted. This makes it possible to add static content to every Item, every Collection, ... |
Property: | rdf.metadata.mappings |
Example Value: | rdf.metadata.mappings = ${dspace.dir}/config/modules/rdf/metadata-rdf-mapping.ttl |
Informational Note: | Defines the file that contains the mappings for the MetadataConverterPlugin. See below the description of the configuration file [dspace-source]/dspace/config/modules/rdf/metadata-rdf-mapping.ttl. |
Property: | rdf.metadata.schema |
Example Value: | rdf.metadata.schema = file://${dspace.dir}/config/modules/rdf/metadata-rdf-schema.ttl |
Informational Note: | Configures the URL used to load the RDF Schema of the DSpace Metadata RDF mapping Vocabulary. Using a file:// URI makes it possible to convert DSpace content without having an internet connection. The version of the schema has to be the right one for the used code. In DSpace 5.0 we use the version 0.2.0. This Schema can be found here as well: The newest version of the Schema can be found here: |
Property: | rdf.metadata.prefixes |
Example Value: | rdf.metadata.prefixes = ${dspace.dir}/config/modules/rdf/metadata-prefixes.ttl |
Informational Note: | If you want to use prefixes in RDF serializations that support prefixes, you can define these prefixes in the file referenced by this property. |
Property: | rdf.simplerelations.prefixes |
Example Value: | rdf.simplerelations.prefixes = ${dspace.dir}/config/modules/rdf/simple-relations-prefixes.ttl |
Informational Note: | If you want to use prefixes in RDF serializations that support prefixes, you can define these prefixes in the file referenced by this property. |
Property: | rdf.simplerelations.site2community |
Example Value: | rdf.simplerelations.site2community =, |
Informational Note: | Defines the predicates used to link from the data representing the whole repository to the top level communities. Defining multiple predicates separated by commas will result in multiple triples. |
Property: | rdf.simplerelations.community2site |
Example Value: | rdf.simplerelations.community2site =, |
Informational Note: | Defines the predicates used to link from the top level communities to the data representing the whole repository. Defining multiple predicates separated by commas will result in multiple triples. |
Property: | rdf.simplerelations.community2subcommunity |
Example Value: | rdf.simplerelations.community2subcommunity =, |
Informational Note: | Defines the predicates used to link from communities to their subcommunities. Defining multiple predicates separated by commas will result in multiple triples. |
Property: | rdf.simplerelations.subcommunity2community |
Example Value: | rdf.simplerelations.subcommunity2community =, |
Informational Note: | Defines the predicates used to link from subcommunities to the communities they belong to. Defining multiple predicates separated by commas will result in multiple triples. |
Property: | rdf.simplerelations.community2collection |
Example Value: | rdf.simplerelations.community2collection =, |
Informational Note: | Defines the predicates used to link from communities to their collections. Defining multiple predicates separated by commas will result in multiple triples. |
Property: | rdf.simplerelations.collection2community |
Example Value: | rdf.simplerelations.collection2community =, |
Informational Note: | Defines the predicates used to link from collections to the communities they belong to. Defining multiple predicates separated by commas will result in multiple triples. |
Property: | rdf.simplerelations.collection2item |
Example Value: | rdf.simplerelations.collection2item =, |
Informational Note: | Defines the predicates used to link from collections to their items. Defining multiple predicates separated by commas will result in multiple triples. |
Property: | rdf.simplerelations.item2collection |
Example Value: | rdf.simplerelations.item2collection =, |
Informational Note: | Defines the predicates used to link from items to the collections they belong to. Defining multiple predicates separated by commas will result in multiple triples. |
Property: | rdf.simplerelations.item2bitstream |
Example Value: | rdf.simplerelations.item2bitstream =, |
Informational Note: | Defines the predicates used to link from item to their bitstreams. Defining multiple predicates separated by commas will result in multiple triples. |
As described in the documentation of the configuration file [dspace-source]/dspace/config/modules/rdf.cfg, the constant-data-*.ttl files can be used to add static RDF to the converted data. The data are written in Turtle, but if you change the file suffix (and the path to find the files in rdf.cfg) you can use any other RDF serialization you like to. You can use this, for example, to add a link to the public readable SPARQL endpoint, add a link to the repository homepage, or add a triple to every community or collection defining it as an entity of a specific type like a bibo:collection. The content of the file [dspace-source]/dspace/config/modules/rdf/constant-data-general.ttl will be added to every DSpaceObject that is converted. The content of the file [dspace-source]/dspace/config/modules/rdf/constant-data-community.ttl to every community, the content of the file [dspace-source]/dspace/config/modules/rdf/constant-data-collection.ttl to every collection and the content of the file [dspace-source]/dspace/config/modules/rdf/constant-data-item.ttl to every Item. You can use the file [dspace-source]/dspace/config/modules/rdf/constant-data-site.ttl to specify data representing the whole repository.
This file should contain several metadata mappings. A metadata mapping defines how to map a specific metadata field within DSpace to a triple that will be added to the converted data. The MetadataConverterPlugin uses these metadata mappings to convert the metadata of a item into RDF. For every metadata field and value it looks if any of the specified mappings matches. If one does, the plugin creates the specified triple and adds it to the converted data. In the file you'll find a lot of examples on how to define such a mapping.
For every mapping a metadata field name has to be specified, e.g. dc.title, dc.identifier.uri. In addition you can specify a condition that is matched against the field's value. The condition is specified as a regular expression (using the syntax of the java class java.util.regex.Pattern). If a condition is defined, the mapping will be used only on fields those values which are matched by the regex defined as condition.
The triple to create by a mapping is specified using reified RDF statements. The DSpace Metadata RDF Mapping Vocabulary defines some placeholders that can be used. The most important placeholder is dm:DSpaceObjectIRI which is replaced by the URI used to identify the entity being converted to RDF. That means if a specific Item is converted the URI used to address this Item in RDF will be used instead of dm:DSpaceObjectIRI. There are three placeholders that allow reuse of the value of a meta data field. dm:DSpaceValue will be replace by the value as it is. dm:LiteralGenerator allows one to specify a regex and replacement string for it (see the syntax of the java classes java.util.regex.Pattern and java.util.regex.Matcher) and creates a Literal out of the field value using the regex and the replacement string. dm:ResourceGenerator does the same as dm:LiteralGenerator but it generates a HTTP(S) URI that is used in place. So you can use the resource generator to generate URIs containing modified field values (e.g. to link to classifications). If you know regular expressions and turtle, the syntax should be quite self explanatory.
This is a configuration for the triple store Fuseki of the Apache Jena project. You can find more information on the configuration it provides in the section Install a Triple Store above.
This file defines which classes are loaded by DSpace to provide the RDF functionality. There are two things you might want to change: the class that is responsible to generate the URIs to be used within the converted data, and the list of Plugins used during conversion. To change the class responsible for the URIs, change the following line:
<property name= "generator" ref= "" /> |
This line defines how URIs should be generated, to be used within the converted data. The LocalURIGenerator generates URIs using the ${dspace.url} property. The HandleURIGenerator uses handles in form of HTTP URLs. It uses the property ${handle.canonical.prefix} to convert handles into HTTPS URLs. The class uses DOIs in the form of HTTP URLs if possible, or local URIs if there are no DOIs. It uses the DOI resolver "" to convert DOIs into HTTP URLs. The class does the same but uses Handles as fallback if no DOI exists. The fallbacks are necessary as DOIs are currently used for Items only and not for Communities or Collections.
All plugins that are instantiated within the configuration file will automatically be used during the conversion. Per default the list looks like the following:
<!-- configure all plugins the converter should use. If you don't want to use a plugin, remove it here. --> <bean id= "org.dspace.rdf.conversion.SimpleDSORelationsConverterPlugin" class = "org.dspace.rdf.conversion.SimpleDSORelationsConverterPlugin" /> <bean id= "org.dspace.rdf.conversion.MetadataConverterPlugin" class = "org.dspace.rdf.conversion.MetadataConverterPlugin" /> <bean id= "org.dspace.rdf.conversion.StaticDSOConverterPlugin" class = "org.dspace.rdf.conversion.StaticDSOConverterPlugin" /> |
You can remove plugins if you don't want them. If you develop a new conversion plugin, you want to add its class to this list.
As described above you should add rdf
to the property event.dispatcher.default.consumers
and in dspace.cfg. This configures DSpace to automatically update the triple store every time the publicly available content of the repository is changed. Nevertheless there is a command line tool that gives you the possibility to update the content of the triple store. As the triple store is used as a cache only, you can delete its content and reindex it every time you think it is necessary of helpful. The command line tool can be started by the following command which will show its online help:
[dspace-install]/bin/dspace rdfizer --help |
The online help should give you all necessary information. There are commands to delete one specific entity; to delete all information stored in the triple store; to convert one item, one collection or community (including all subcommunities, collections and items) or to convert the complete content of your repository. If you start using the Linked Open Data support on a repository that already contains content, you should run [dspace-install]/bin/dspace rdfizer --convert-all
Every time content of DSpace is converted or Linked Data is requested, DSpace will try to connect to the triple store. So ensure that it is running (as you do with e.g. your sevlet container or relational database).